education & facilitation
Meeting training needs.
Team Engagement:
I use a holistic systems approach to first diagnose the current state based on values, behaviors, underlying assumptions, and interactions between and among key leveraging points in an organization. The goal is to understand how the organization really works versus how it is designed to work. I subscribe to a proven process to effect strategic change that aligns an organization’s vision, mission, values, and strategic planning process.
In many cases, clients have embarked on a change process but require refinement in order to optimize their plans. At other times, the planning is in its nascent stage requiring an assessment of programs, policies, and procedures with an eye toward building capacity to sustain strategies following the consulting engagement.

Virtual Facilitation

Consultants have had to adjust their approach to training and facilitation given the impact of the Covid-19 virus. I use a variety of tools and approaches to ensure the active engagement of clients in the education process. An OD orientation aligns well with virtual consulting in that it incorporates group engagement principles, opportunities for reflection, and feedback loops.
I have worked virtually to facilitate strategy sessions with senior leaders, DEI training for teams, and one-on-one coaching.
Global OD Projects

I have participated in the International Gestalt Organization & Leadership Development (iGold) program; a 30-person cohort of international consultants, educators, and OD practitioners engaged in training, cultural exchange, networking, and client support. I have worked with a team of consultants to successfully address a variety of change projects.
Global OD Projects
Learn more about my International Organizational Development Projects
What People are Saying
A Holistic Approach to OD
Organizational Development responds to complex business, technological and societal needs based on the assumption that continuous organizational learning is a vital prerequisite to planned and emergent change. It is especially well suited for organizational and social transformation where polarization and resistance—explicit or covert—constrain strategic success.